A Holistic Health Approach to Mind Body Wellness

Have you been struggling with being overly stressed but don’t know how to stop? Are you looking for holistic health solutions to imporve your mind body wellness needs?

Navigating today’s hectic lifestyle can take its toll on the mind, body and spirit.  Combine that with what’s going on globally and you get a recipe for being very over stressed.

How can we show up for life with all we’ve got if we don’t have the resources for it?

A holistic approach can help you gain the coping skills necessary to make your life more enjoyable.

How Our Holistic Health Services Can Help

  • Reduce Anxiety & Stress Naturally
  • Alleviate Symptoms of Depression
  • Reduce Pain & Discomfort
  • Improve Self Esteem & Self Worth
  • Improve Habit Control
  • Improve Positive Perspective
  • Improve Overall Wellbeing
  • And So Much More

Investigate this site to find out which healing modality would best suit your mind body wellness needs.

Whether it be hypnotherapy, reiki, tuning fork therapy,  or a combination of each, there is a solution for you.

Safer at Home: 

All holistic health sessions can be conducted in the safety of your own home via Zoom

Hypnosis - Holistic Healing for Mind Body Wellness

Hypnosis Therapy

Hypnosis is a natural state of sharpened attention and a holistic health approach to lasting change.

Hypnotherapy comfortably bypass critical factors so new information is easily accepted into the subconscious mind. 

Your mind is your most powerful tool in creating lasting change in your life.

Hypnosis therapy makes it possible to tap directly into that power and release beliefs or habits that hold you back.

Learn how you can use hypnosis to imporve your mind body wellness by clicking below.

Holistic Health via Sound Healing & Tuning Fork Therapy

Biofield Tuning

Tuning fork therapy and sound healing are a holistic approach to treating many health issues. Traumatic and stressful experiences can drain your energy and leave you vulnerable to illness.

Stress creates static and congestion within your energetic field.  This can lead to pain, anxiety, and many other health troubles. Sound Healing and tunig fork therapy works to clear out this dissonance.

Sound healing creates a coherent flow of energy within you. This allows positive shifts to transpire within all dimensions of your health.

Take a holistic health approach to your healing journey. Follow the link below to learn how sound healing & tuning fork therapy can help you. 

Reiki - A Holistic Health Modality for Mind Body Wellness

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a holistic healing modality that uses the hands to transmit energy (Qi). The life force energy is passed through the practitioner to you.

A Reiki massage helps to improve the flow and balance of the energetic body and creates a balanced state for healing. It promotes deep states of relaxation while reducing stress through gentle touch.

This powerful energy promotes your body’s ability to naturally heal itself. Reiki helps to remove blockages in the energetic body, so it gently cleanses the energic body of toxins, soothing pain, and releasing stress.

Click below to learn how this holistic modality can get you on the path to healing naturally.

Nikki Patrick Swartz, C.Ht.

A Holistic Health Practitioner for Mind Body Wellness

Certified Hypnotherapist - Sound Healing Practitioner - Reiki Master

Join me on a journey of exploration into the healing properties of your mind and body. 

Do you have a personal health goal you would like to achieve holistically?  Is there an urgent need to find a more fulfilling path?

The therapeutic use of hypnosis, sound and reiki are powerful modalities to efficiently assist you reaching your goals.

Learn which holistic health services would best suit your individual needs. Click the link below to book a session or call 443-826-9694 to schedule a free 20 minute phone consultation. 

Book A Session